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A Gentle Reminder about Social Media Scams

I just wanted to chat about something important—staying safe from Facebook and Instagram scams. There has been a recent uptick in scams, so I wanted to go over some good guidelines: 

1. Remember, Facebook/Instagram will NEVER ask for your credit card info. So, if you get a request for that, it's definitely fishy.

2. Facebook will never call you. Ever. 

3. If Facebook/Instagram (Meta) needs to talk to you, it will pop up as a banner on your Facebook page, or you'll get a separate message or email from Meta or Facebook. No need to respond to anything suspicious.

4. If something seems off, just stop and let us know. We're more than happy to make sure everything's on the up and up. Your security is super important to us.

5. Keep an eye on what you're doing on Facebook. There's a scam going around asking you to add two-factor authentication, but if the request is in your notifications, it's a SCAM. Facebook IS asking to add 2 factor authentication but only if you are logging in and out of your account often. 

6. Oh, and on Instagram, watch out for those messages asking to share your posts to boost your followers. It's a bot system and can end up hurting your engagement.


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